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In Just Cause 3 habt ihr die Chance, vielleicht King Kong zu treffen. Zumindest seht ihr den Schädel, dem Skull Island, Heimat des Riesenaffens, seinen Namen verdankt. Fliegt zu den Koordinaten N 40 51.636 / E 5 25.898 und reist in das Jahr 1933 zurück, an dem Skull Island im Klassiker King Kong und die weiße Frau das erste Mal zu sehen war.
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Ascent Quest

Enter the world of Aelys in this incredible online RPG made for virtual reality ! Meet hundreds of players, form your party of adventurers (or go solo) and fulfill your destiny in this high-fantasy story-driven universe … or hang out laughing in the local tavern with your friends !
Ascent Quest brings together the best of virtual reality and online cooperative role-playing in this high fantasy universe.
Become the main actor in an adventure-packed fantasy story through a highly detailed world. From the goblin to the most majestic dragon, fight formidable enemies by teaming up with your friends or with new people met at the bend of a tavern.
Exploration & Story
A colorful universe of high fantasy that is a real treat for your eyes and your desire for adventure.
Rich in story and in varied environments, visit an incredible world inviting you to explore its every corner to discover many secrets.
Save Aelys from a tragedy whose scope goes far beyond anything you could imagine. Endearing characters, unexpected twists. All supported by voice dubbing of the main story and numerous possible interactions with the world.
Engaging fights
Mage, warrior, archer, defender, assassin? Your character, your personality. Access a unique specialization system allowing you to decide precisely how you prefer to fight by combining classes.
Face epic battles requiring you to coordinate with other players to take down powerful enemies in actions that make full use of virtual reality strengths. Reap the reward for your labor with unique items and rank up in the Adventurer's Guild!
Meet other players
Want to take a break from fighting or just socialize ?
Take part in a vibrant economy, trade with players, build your wealth and buy your own personnalizable home. Why not create a club where you can invite other players to have fun ?
Enter the taverns and meet new people to laugh and have fun with mini-games while displaying the trophies of your latest achievements!
Beautiful open world to explore, filled with secrets and events
Meet hundreds of players in social hubs
Follow a great main story quest solo or with up to 3 friends
Choose between a large selection of weapons and spells, specialize your character
Gather resources : wood, plants, minerals
Craft armors, weapons, potions and decorations for your house
Trade with other players and non-player characters
Explore dungeons including epic boss fight for 4 players
Socialize in cities with integrated spacial voice chat
Buy your own house, decorate it how you want and host parties !
Dieses Spiel könnte dir gefallen, wenn dir folgende Spiele gefallen (oder umgekehrt):
 2008 | 69.2% |
 2024 | 54.0% |
 2023 | 77.4% |
 1999 | 87.0% |
Dieses Spiel könnte dir gefallen, wenn du Spiele des gleichen Genre magst, hier mit anderem Thema:
 2004 | 84.6% |
 2018 | 83.5% |
 2009 | 77.2% |
 2022 | 69.6% |
 2009 | 80.7% |
Dieses Spiel könnte dir gefallen, wenn du Spiele zum Thema FANTASY magst:
 2015 | 78.7% |
 1993 | 71.8% |
 2012 | 82.8% |
 2017 | 92.3% |
 2000 | 76.8% |
Folgende Spiele sind zuletzt aus diesem Genre erschienen:
 2025 | 71.2% |
 2025 | 80.0% |
 2025 |
 2025 |
 2024 | 81.0% |
Eine Übersicht weiterer Titel dieses Genres findest du hier!
Most Wanted Skill: 82 =
25 Visits +
3 Screenshot- +
1 Video-Views + 53 ∑ letzter Monat |

